· 4 Min read

CI/CD Flow w/ Github Actions to EC2 w/ Ubuntu Docker and Nginx

For use with:

EC2 Setup

  1. Go to Amazon account and create a new EC2
  2. Choose the Ubuntu option
  3. Choose a system size that suits your project needs
    1. Medium and below is probably the most you’ll need with hobby projects
  4. Create a .pem permissions file to be able to ssh into the system
  5. Allot 12-20 GBs of space for system
  6. Create Instance
  7. Once Instance is created, go ahead and open a terminal where the .pem file got downloaded
    1. Probably /user/downloads
  8. Press ‘connect to instance’ and select the ssh tab
    1. Copy paste that command into terminal
  9. You’ve now connected to your instance
  10. Proceed with downloading Docker



Nginx EC2


  2. Once through setup, you’ll need to go into your config file and input your settings

    cd / etc / nginx;
    cd sites-available
  3. You’ll see a file named default here

    1. We want to delete this
    sudo rm -rf default
  4. We now create a new default file with:

    sudo nano default
  5. Copy pasta your config settings:

Config File:

`server {``listen 80;``location / {``proxy_pass;``}``location /api/v1 {``rewrite ^/api/v1(/.*)$ $1 break;``proxy_pass;``}``location /dashboard/ {``rewrite ^/dashboard(/.*)$ $1 break;``proxy_pass;``}``}`;
  1. Write out w/ ‘ctrl + O’

  2. Exit w/ ‘ctrl + X’

  3. We now want to cd out and into sites-enabled and delete the default file there too

    cd ..
    cd sites-enabled
    sudo rm -rf default
  4. Now we’re going to run a link command

Link Command:

sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/default /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
  1. Now restart the nginx server and we’re good to go!

Nginx Command:

sudo /etc/init.d/nginx start
sudo /etc/init.d/nginx restart

Github Actions

Set up of the actions are pretty straight forward

  1. Go to your github repository, and go to the settings tab
  2. Then go to Actions > Runners
  3. Create New Self-Hosted Runner
  4. Input the commands it prompts you with 1 by 1 at the root of your EC2
  5. After sudo ./ start
    1. Check the runners tab again to see your idle runner ready to go

Building the project

  1. Running sudo docker ps shows there isn’t a built image of a container yet in the EC2
  2. Make a test commit to the production or main branch of your code
    1. Check the Actions tab in your repository to see a workflow run has been created
  3. After the initial build completes, which may take a while, give sudo docker ps another try to see your container created!

Building Image

docker-compose build turbo-temp
docker-compose up --no-deps -d turbo-temp